Here you will find all the concepts and nomenclature you will need for the lower elementary botany studies. We have designed the Lower Elementary Botany Nomenclature to have a focus on the parts and types, so it can be easily understood and well incorporated with other materials.
Our botany nomenclature features the following benefits:
- Written in a language that is easy to understand and written specifically for lower elementary students.
- Real pictures so students can actually see what they are studying and follow along with real samples you might provide them with.
- Completely up-to-date and accurate.
Includes the following:
- Nomenclature cards (114 Total Nomenclature cards):
- Plant overview (21 cards)
- Root system (8 cards)
- Stem system (9 cards)
- Leaf system (24 cards)
- Flowers (23 cards)
- Fruits (18 cards)
o Seeds (11 cards)
- Control Charts (31 Total Control Charts):
- Plant overview (5 charts)
- Root system (2 charts)
- Stem system (4 charts)
- Leaf system (5 charts)
- Flowers (8 charts)
- Fruits (5 charts)
o Seeds (2 charts)
- Booklets (30 Total Pre-cut Booklets):
- Plant overview (5 booklets)
- Root system (2 booklets)
- Stem system (4 booklets)
- Leaf system (5 booklets)
- Flowers (8 booklets)
- Fruits (5 booklets)
- Seeds (2 booklets)
ELC-4069 | Upper Elementary Botany Nomenclature |
The Upper Elementary Botany Nomenclature is designed with a focus on the function and adaptation of plants.
- Life Cycles of Plants
- Adaptations in Plant Reproduction
- Advanced Functions of Various Parts of a Root
- Basic Root Adaptations
- Advanced Parts of the Stem
- Parts of a Woody Stem in Winter
- Stem Adaptations and Functions
- Advanced Parts of a Leaf
- Leaf Attachments
- Leaf Adaptations
- Advanced Functional Parts of a Flower
- Pollinators and Flowers
- Advanced Adaptations of Flower Parts
- Fruit Functions
- Fruit Adaptations
- Function and Adaptations of a Dicot Seed (Parts of a Bean Seed)
- Function and Adaptations of a Monocot Seed (Parts of a Corn Seed)
Since this part of the botany nomenclature was written specifically for the upper elementary students, the following benefits are associated with these materials:
- Written in a language that is easy to understand and designed specifically for upper elementary students, to examine advanced concepts associated with botany.
- Real pictures of every concept examined.
- Completely up-to-date and accurate.
Includes the following:
- 106 total Nomenclature cards
- Stem system (9 cards)
- Leaf system (24 cards)
- Flowers (23 cards)
- Fruits (18 cards)
o Seeds (11 cards)
- Control Charts (31 Total Control Charts):
- Plant overview (5 charts)
- Root system (2 charts)
- Stem system (4 charts)
- Leaf system (5 charts)
- Flowers (8 charts)
- Fruits (5 charts)
o Seeds (2 charts)
- Booklets (30 Total Pre-cut Booklets):
- Plant overview (5 booklets)
- Root system (2 booklets)
- Stem system (4 booklets)
- Leaf system (5 booklets)
- Flowers (8 booklets)
- Fruits (5 booklets)
- Seeds (2 booklets)